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Examples of Financial Environmental Policies

Many organizations have developed cutting-edge financial policies that take the environment into account. Learn about some of their successes.

Environmental Guidelines at Public Banks

  • World Bank
    The World Bank has created environmental policies that ensure operations "do no harm," covering areas such as involuntary resettlement, natural habitats, safety of dams, and projects in disputed areas.

  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation
    OPIC is an independent U.S. Government agency that sells investment services to assist U.S. companies investing in some 140 emerging economies around the world.

Good Practice at Banks

  • UBS
    This company follows ISO 14001, an international standard for environmental management systems, which includes objectives, programs and monitoring, and calls for a periodic review by management.

  • Credit Suisse
    This company subscribes to the UN's Global Compact, a program which challenges world business leaders to address human rights, labour and environment.

  • Bank of America
    This company published Progress Report 2000, in accordance with the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies and it follows World Bank guidelines.

  • Banco Axial
    Banco Axial is a Brazilian bank that works on mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, and development of instruments to obtain funding. The Bank's fund management has a special emphasis on the environment.

Guidelines by Industry Sector

  • Forest Stewardship Council
    This non-profit organization accredits forestry managers for sustainable forestry practices.

  • World Commission on Dams
    This commission assesses alternatives for water resources and energy development, and develops internationally accepted standards for dams.

Banks that Focus on the Environment

  • ShoreBank Pacific
    This company works with borrowers to use energy efficiently; reduce waste and pollution; conserve natural resources; and optimize profitability.

  • Triodos Bank
    This bank is a small social bank in the Netherlands lending only to organizations and businesses with social and environmental objectives.

  • Van City
    VanCity believes that it is possible to operate with the right values and achieve good financial results. The bank is committed to corporate social responsibility and social auditing, and serves as a catalyst for the self-reliance and economic well-being of their membership and community.

Is your bank doing something to help people and the environment? Let us know!

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